Battling Citrus Greening
A Citrus Solution with Promise
UF/IFAS scientists are pioneering a genetically edited tree to combat the disease devastating Florida's citrus industry.
UF’s online degree programs achieve top rankings
NASA’s Kennedy Space Center and Florida universities unite to propel space exploration
UF expert answers questions about local risk of bird flu
Headlines from Florida
Simple display changes in grocery stores could cut food waste while boosting profits
Herbicide threatens manatee immune systems, UF study finds
UF researchers leverage AI to predict factors influencing lung disease
Runners who wear these shoes are more likely to get injured
UF students use HiPerGator to improve meter data for Tampa Electric Company
Florida in the News
Inside Higher Ed The supercomputer transforming the University of Florida into an AI hub
Tampa Bay Times Column | AI in Florida agriculture will improve farming, create careers and put better food on your table
Teen Vogue African fashion is being celebrated. But where is the investment?
Associated Press How scientists with disabilities are making research labs and fieldwork more accessible
The Hill Trump declares energy emergency
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